You want the best for your child, especially when they're sick.

So, why are you settling for less when it comes to accurate ear exam results?
Will you settle for a 50/50 shot?
Pediatricians typically diagnose ear infections with a tool that is called the otoscope. The otoscope is a 150-year-old tool that has been used throughout generations. The problem is that there is a 50% accuracy rate with standard otoscopy**. That’s like flipping a coin when it comes to your child’s health.
Would you flip a coin?
How can you give your child more than a 50/50 shot at the correct diagnosis?
The otoscope may give doctors a 50/50 shot at best when diagnosing ear infections, but there are new ways to conduct ear exams that don’t involve the typical otoscope.
The OtoSight Middle Ear Scope was created by parents who saw a need for a better way to conduct objective ear exams after watching their child suffer from recurring ear infections. The technology in the OtoSight Middle Ear Scope is 90.6% accurate when assessing MEE*. That’s quite the jump from the generally accepted standard of 50%.
You see what your doctor sees.
Not only does OtoSight allow for increased accuracy it also lets the parents and patients see what your pediatrician sees.
With two different views,. You can finally see the clear objective proof your doctor sees increasing your confidence in your pediatrician’s diagnosis and trust that you aren’t settling for 50/50.
Does your doctor have the OtoSight Middle Ear Scope?
Don’t see your doctor?
We are looking for innovative clinics to provide early access to the OtoSight Middle Ear Scope. Do you want your pediatrician to be a part of the early access?