Trailblazer Spotlight:
Dr. Richard Gould

Are you the type of provider who cares about patient outcomes and education while also making your practice more efficient?

A Quick Overview of OtoSight Middle Ear Scope

The OtoSight Middle Ear Scope gives pediatric providers the ability to show
patient’s parents exactly what’s going on in the middle ear with:

  • A true-color otoscopy view of the ear canal and eardrum that is shown in real-time and automatically recorded and saved.
  • An on-screen scan that shows the presence or absence of fluid and the turbidity of that fluid even in the presence of earwax
  • A technology that has a 90.6% accuracy rating when assessing middle ear effusion (MEE)1

Improve the Quality of Patient Visits

“What we’re doing is just having the technician or medical assistant do the screening of the middle ear.”

Dr. Gould teaches his medical assistants to use OtoSight. They perform the exam while he is spending extra time with other patients. He then utilizes the recording to go over the Middle Ear Scan with the patient, showing them exactly what he sees and what he is assessing.

Gain Credibility with Patient’s Parents

“The parents get information that’s more definitive in the parent’s mind.”

Dr. Gould has learned to use the “spectrum of information” that he is now able to gain credibility with his pediatric patients and parents. Since he can show them Clear Objective Proof of what is going on in the middle ear, he feels he has earned additional authority in the parent’s eyes.

Taking Advantage of Missed Opportunities

Dr. Gould has also used OtoSight to take advantage of missed opportunities for follow-up visits.

Sometimes, follow-up otitis media visits were pushed aside but now he encourages them because the examination is easier than ever. You can then bill for the followup visit and use of OtoSight.

Are You a Trailblazer in Pediatric Care?

Exclusive Trailblazer benefits include:

  • A no-charge trial period
  • A customized acquisition model that fits the needs of your practice
  • Co-marketing support to increase the utilization of OtoSight Middle Ear Scope in your clinic

Exclusive Trailblazer benefits include:

  • Wants to make an impression and gain credibility during patient visits
  • Cares about educating patient’s parents and showing them exactly what you see
  • Takes pride in staying at the frontline of medical innovation

You need to call or contact us to learn more today!

1-866-411-EARS (3277) | info@alex-forward

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