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PhotoniCare Featured in AAP-SOATT Spring Newsletter

PhotoniCare is honored to share that the TOMi Scope [OtoSight Middle Ear Scope] has been featured in the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Section on Advances in Therapeutics and Technology (SOATT) Spring Newsletter. The publication covers exciting developments in therapeutics and technology for promoting the health and well-being of children.

“We were honored by the invitation to provide a Pediatric Device Spotlight on our TOMi Scope [OtoSight Middle Ear Scope] in the Spring Newsletter,” said Ryan Nolan, VP of Clinical Operations & Co-founder. “The newsletter is a great means for the Pediatrics community to learn about promising technology advancements, like ours.”

PhotoniCare joined the AAP-SOATT as a member in 2019. Members work together on key initiatives to help promote pediatric healthcare innovation, from development through realization of these advances for the benefit  of children. A goal that closely aligns with that of PhotoniCare.

According to their website, the goal of AAP-SOATT is to advance pediatric health and well-being through collaboration, communication, and education on the discovery and development of therapeutics and technology and their successful translation into practice.

View the spring publication here.

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